Welcome to Pulman!
Yesterday we held our Harvest Festival at the church. It was a great opportunity to come together as a school and be thankful for the things we have. Thankyou to everyone who remembered to bring in a donation. Every class in the school performed something as part of the celebration. Pulman class performed an accrostic Harvest poem. They all did really well, speaking clearly and even learning their lines by heart. They were a real credit to the school. It was lovely to see so many families at the church, supporting the school. I hope you all enjoyed the festival.
Next week is our last week of this half-term, however, we will be continuing to learn about The Ancient Greeks for a couple of weeks after half-term and we are planning to hold our Greek Agora day then. Watch this space!
Today was our final swimming session, so the children had a more relaxed, fun lesson. It has been a pleasure to watch the children swimming on a Friday. They have all made so much progress just in the short time that they have been swimming. It is also really nice to hear the instructors saying how much they enjoy teaching Pulman class. There may well be some certficates to come soon!
The children will continue to have PE on a Monday and ukulele with Miss Roberts on a Friday after half-term.
Don't forget that next Friday is an Inset day. Also the school disco is this Wednesday, so make sure you return your slips and bring your money if you want to go.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Gage
Each week the children will be set homework. This will usually be their regular reading, spellings and then one other.
This week's homework:
Spellings - Topic words and last week's spellings.
Topic - find out about Ancient Greek pottery and design a pot using the worksheet you were given.
I will save any spellings or worksheets in the 'Homework Documents' section at the bottom of this page. Just in case!
I would like to introduce our new class counsellors, who prepared a short speech stating why they would make a good counsellor. They were then elected by their peers, so well done Archie and Susan.

Congratulations also to India and Jake who won awards this week. Well done to both of you.

Also, congratulations to Connor for being awarded this week's special award. He received it for his continuous hard work and applying his learning in school to his homework, well done Connor!