I can speak aloud to friends, in a group and to an adult.
I can talk about things that interest me including stories.
I can listen whilst others are speaking and wait for my turn to talk.
I can listen and follow simple instructions.
I can ask and answer questions appropriately during carpet time / circle time.
I can use talk during role play activities.
I can use talk to deepen my understanding.
Reading (word/comprehension)
I can read all Reception tricky words.
I can show an awareness of full stops when reading aloud.
I can blend and segment unfamiliar words.
I can talk about a favourite story, poem or character.
I can answer simple questions about a familiar story.
I can make simple predictions about a text.
I can use a simple word bank.
I can read fiction, non-fiction and poetry appropriate for my phonic level.
I can retell key points in a familiar story.
I can join in during whole class retelling of a story.
I can write three simple sentences.
I can show an awareness of full stops, capital letters and finger spaces.
I can say a sentence, write and read it back to check it makes sense.
I can begin to write a sentence using the connectives ‘and’ or ‘but’
I can write simple texts such as names, labels, captions, lists, diagrams and messages.
I can write simple sentences using full stops, capital letters and finger spaces.
I can use simple connectives to join two simple sentences.
I can use prepositions correctly in my speech (e.g. up, down, in, into, out, to, onto).
I am familiar with determiners and use them correctly in my speech (e.g. the, a, my, your, an, this, that, his, her, their, some, all).
I can use adjectives to describe nouns (e.g. old, little, big, small quiet).
I can hold a pencil correctly, sit up correctly and steady my work.
I am beginning to form all letters and numbers (0-9) correctly.
I am beginning to write on the line.
My teacher and I can read what I’ve written.
I can read and spell all key words for Reception and possibly year 1.
I can recognise all phonic sounds and blends (Phases 2 and 3).
I can ‘have a go’ at spelling words using my phonic knowledge.
Introduce: finger spaces, letter, word, sentence, full stops, capital letter.