FINAL WEEK OF YEAR 6 - 19th July 2021
Mr Foster and Mrs Cook are absolutely devastated that you cannot enjoy your final week at St John's. As Mr Priestley has said, we are aiming to organsie a date where we can all come back into school during the Summer Holidays, in August, and watch the end of year film and have our Leavers' Service. We will put some end of Year projects on the class website (below) for you to complete this week and allow you to reflect on St John's with fond memories and look forward to Secondary School with positivity. We will be aiming to host some Zoom meetings towards the end of the week and will update you in due course. We have set up a TimesTables Rockstars Tournament so that you can continue to Practice your Maths throughout the week. For English this week, we are going to ask you to write a letter all about yourself, which you can then give to your new Tutor, or Head of Year, when you start Secondary School. Other Transition and Reflection projects can be found below. Please don't try to complete everything at once; give yourself plenty of breaks and work your way through the projects during the week. We have also added Sessions 4-9 of the 'Be Awesome, Go Big Project' which we started in School. Mrs Cook will be making contact with everyone on the phone, throughout the week.
If you have any questions, please email:
Take Care.
Mr Foster and Mrs Cook
If your child is away from school for a few days and they are well enough to complete school work, please:
If your child is away from school for a week or more, it is important that they access the curriculum that their classmates are benefitting from. With this in mind, it is advisable that they have a daily maths and English lesson, and complete a science, history and geography lesson during the week. Having plenty of exercise will also be important, providing they are fit enough.
Below are a list of weblinks to the most relevant curriculum content.