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St John's C of E Primary School

"Sharing joy and hope in the community."


Design and Technology

Pizza Making Day


To build a Design and Technology curriculum that meets the interests of all the children and enables them to develop their talents. At St John’s we aim to develop creative, curious learners who have the ability to embrace an ever-changing environment. Through the teaching of DT, we will provide the opportunity to develop the capacity to problem solve by stimulating creativity and imagination through the production of quality products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs. We aim to, wherever possible, to link work to other subjects such as Mathematics, English, Science, Computing and Art.


The National Curriculum for Design and Technology aims to ensure that all children:

• Develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world.

• Build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of uses

• Critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others.

• understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.



Children will follow a broad and balanced Design and Technology curriculum that builds on previous learning and provides both support and challenge for all learners. Children will be given the opportunity to design, make and evaluate work using engaging projects through detailed lesson plans (Twinkl DT Scheme) which ensures progression of skills across all year groups and covers all the Design and Technology curriculum. DT is taught in the second half of each term, so that each year group covers three different topics each year.

Each year we plan a Design and Technology enrichment week, ensuring progression across all Key Stages. Where possible, links are made with other subjects, for example pupils in Year 4 learning about electricity in Science may then apply this knowledge when working on the ‘Battery Operated Lights’ Unit designing and making a light.



We aim for the children to express their creativity through designing, as they have been given the opportunity to carefully select tools and materials appropriate to the purpose and needs of an audience. Children will learn to be self-critical designers who are confident to self-evaluate their final product, discussing its strengths and weaknesses and offering ways in which their work can be improved. They will gain skills for the future, by developing their ability to collaborate, investigate, design and evaluate. By the time pupils move on to secondary school they should be fully equipped with transferable skills needed to succeed in future life.



Design and Technology in the Early Years

Children will have access to a variety of resources within their continuous provision which helps to both develop and consolidate knowledge, skills and understanding when designing and making within their own play. They will begin to develop investigative skills and ask and answer questions, for example when learning about the story of The Three Little Pigs, the children will choose appropriate materials to construct the houses, then test their solidity and evaluate the outcomes.

Children will have access to a wide variety of construction materials where they can build, join, stack, balance and adapt their own constructions. They will have the opportunity to use a variety of tools, techniques and processes and select and combine using a variety of materials. Through these opportunities, children will learn to handle and use tools and equipment effectively and safely, for example, using scissors safely and accurately to cut out monster masks. This includes developing an



understanding of how to transport and store equipment safely and with increasing control.

Outside, the children will have access to a wide variety of large-scale resources such as crates, drain pipes, tubes and planks providing them with the opportunity to design, make, adapt, problem solve and put structures to the test alongside their peers.

Children will be provided with the opportunity to select and use technology for particular purposes, for example, leading Goldilocks through the woods using ’beebot’ technology. They will learn to recognise that a range of technology is used in familiar places such as at home and school.

