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St John's C of E Primary School

"Sharing joy and hope in the community."


Year 2 - Mandela


Hello and welcome to Mandela Class

We are really looking forward to the year ahead full of fun and learning. There are 4 staff members who work in Mandela Class.


Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning – Mrs Bryant

Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday – Mrs Nicholls

All week – Mrs Fleet

Monday – Thursday morning – Mrs Newstead


Please take a look at the long-term plan and knowledge organisers in the Curriculum Planning section of the class page to find out what topics we are covering this term.

We would like to remind you about the importance of hearing your child read every night, if you can, but on a minimum of 4 occasions in the week, if time is short. We shall be continuing with the Reading Championship competition as it seems to be such a great motivator so, by the end of the year, your child might be sporting 6 badges.

Later this term, the children will have weekly spellings to learn. There will be more about information about this to come. 

Mandela Class will have PE lessons with Mr Parsons on Tuesdays please make sure your child comes to school in their kit on a Tuesday morning.

Children should also bring in a named water bottle each day so they can keep hydrated.

Please could all jumpers/cardigans/hoodies be labelled so they can be returned to the rightful owner.

Should you have any queries, please come and see us in the classroom, or give the school a ring to arrange a meeting. We are looking forward to getting to know the wonderful Year 2 students and their families.
