Welcome to Dandelion Class
Year 2!
Our theme for Summer 2 is 'Kings and Queens'
Teacher - Miss Howell
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Fleet
This term we will be learning about 'The Royal Family'. We will be learning the history of the royal family, making family trees and significant events. We will then be looking at our family trees and who would become King or Queen or our own family! In the folder below is a copy of the planning for this term. You will find planning for all subjects.
As always, the children will be expected to read at least four times a week and an adult needs to record any home reading in their yellow Reading Records. If you finish the book, please make sure this is also recorded so it can be changed. If completed, books will be changed on a Tuesday and Friday. Want extra books or for them to be changed more frequently? Your child can place their finished book in our 'book tray' and it will be changed that day.
There will be a certificate and a treat for those children who complete their 4 reads a week! Please encourage and support your children with their reading. Home books can be included in the reading record too!
All children now have weekly spellings. They will be tested on a Friday and new spellings will be given on the same day. The children who complete BOTH the reading challenge and their spelling homework, will receive an extra 'Golden Time' as a treat on Friday afternoons.
Dandelion Class will have their P.E. day on a Tuesday and the children can wear their P.E. kits into school. PE kit must be a red top and black shorts/joggers. The sessions will be outside for as long as the weather permits, so please make sure children have appropriate clothing and footwear. Jumpers and cardigans are permitted.
If you need to speak to me, please catch me before or after school. If a longer chat is more appropriate, please ring the office to make an appointment.
Thank you for your support already.
Miss Howell :)
At St. John's we recognise the importance of reading and the impact that it has on our pupil's everyday lives, which is why we are always promoting reading in school and challenging our pupils to read more widely and more often. We love it when our pupils tell us that they have had books as Christmas and birthday presents, so if you are looking for some inspiration for books that you can buy or borrow for your child to read, then have a look at the links below.