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St John's C of E Primary School

"Sharing joy and hope in the community."


Lark Class- Year 5


Summer 1


Welcome back from the Easter break. We now commence the Summer term (time really does fly by!) and this term is always a busy one full of many learning opportunities and experiences.  For the first two weeks, Larks will be emerging themselves in the local history of Wellington and the surrounding areas. We welcome parents, grandparents, relatives and neighbours to share any local history information that you may know with the children. There will be an opportunity for the children to share their newly gained knowledge with their peers.


This half term we have many new learning topics planned across the curriculum subjects. You can find out the knowledge and skills that your child will be learning by viewing the planning information available to you on the ‘Curriculum star’ (above). Additionally, there are knowledge organisers available to explain a little more in depth the learning and knowledge that will be covered in Science and Geography this half term.


For the Summer term, the children will have PE on a Friday morning and should therefore come to school in full PE kit.


Homework - Thank you for your ongoing support with your child’s homework.

Reading –

Collectively, Larks managed an impressive 1274 reads in the Spring term – well done to you all! I have set the children a challenge of succeeding this score by the end of the Summer term. A reading reward is pending…! I feel sure this will be achievable with the School expectation of reading at home 4 times each week.


Spelling –

As a reminder, spellings are set on a Friday and due the following Friday. Please support your child, where necessary, in completing both the spelling list and the activity.


Times Tables –

The children have their TT Rockstars logins and passwords in their reading record. Rapid recall of multiplication and division facts are hugely important in supporting other areas of their Maths learning. Times tables should be practised weekly.



General reminders:

  • We are a NUT FREE school, so please be mindful of snacks in your child’s lunchbox.
  • Reading books and reading records need to be in school every day, please.
  • Please ensure your child has a re-fillable water bottle in school every day.


Thank you for your continued support. As always, should you have any queries, please come and see me at the end of the school day in Lark classroom, or give the school a call to arrange a meeting.


Best wishes, 

Miss Brown




Spring 1


Happy New Year! Lark Class have made a great start to 2023 and have been very busy with many new learning opportunities! We have started the Spring term with an exciting Design and Technology textile project and have also enjoyed some practical learning experiences in Science (please do look at our photos on the ‘star’ tab above).


This half term we have many new learning topics planned across the curriculum subjects. You can find out what your child will be learning by viewing the planning information available to you on the ‘Curriculum star’ (above). Additionally, I have also produced some knowledge organisers to explain a little more in depth the learning and knowledge that will be covered in Science and Geography.


The Spring term marks the excitement of swimming lessons as our PE focus. The children will swim on Friday mornings. Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing their school uniform and brings their swimming kit. (More information can be found in the ‘Swimming Letter’ sent home at the end of the Autumn term). Any questions, please do come and speak to me.


Thank you for your ongoing support with your child’s homework. As a reminder, homework in Lark class consists of: a weekly spelling list and activity (set on a Friday and due the following Friday), reading a minimum of 4 times a week and practising times tables facts (using TT Rockstars or an alternative method if preferred). Please can you ensure that your child has their reading book and record in school each day. This half term there will be a topic-based homework linked to our science topic of ‘Earth and Space – further communication to follow.


General reminders:

  • We are a NUT FREE school, so please be mindful of snacks in your child’s lunchbox.
  • Reading books and reading records need to be in school every day, please.
  • For those children who attend netball club, please ensure you dress appropriately and have plenty of layered clothing as we have had some very cold sessions and I am sure more to come!


Many thanks for your continued support. As always, should you have any queries, please come and see me at the end of the school day in Lark classroom, or give the school a call to arrange a meeting.


Best wishes, 

Miss Brown




Autumn 2


Welcome back to Autumn 2! I am looking forward to meeting you all at Parents’ Evening – please see separate communication via SCOPay. With the October half term passing us by, we look forward to a second half term filled with many learning experiences and enrichment opportunities. As always, this will be a busy half term in the lead up to Christmas with many festivities nearer the end of term!  Please do click on the ‘Curriculum star’ (above) to find out what your child will be learning about this half term. 


Well done to our fantastic children in Lark Class who have been continuing their learning at home and working hard to complete their homework. Many children completed their 'reading worm' in the Reading Championship last half term and enjoyed receiving their badge and having the chance to wear non-school uniform for the day. I was also really impressed with the determination and endurance shown by the children in the latest whole school TT Rockstars competition. Due to their brilliant efforts and engagement they won the competition – well done Larks! 😊 


Please do encourage your child to continue with their homework this half term. Homework in Lark class consists of: a weekly spelling list and activity (set on a Friday and due the following Friday), reading a minimum of 4 times a week and practising times tables facts (using TT Rockstars or an alternative method if preferred).


PE will continue to be on Friday mornings, so please make sure your child comes to school in their full PE kit.


Many thanks for your continued support. As always, should you have any queries, please come and see me at the end of the school day in Lark classroom, or give the school a call to arrange a meeting.


Best wishes, 

Miss Brown




Autumn 1


Welcome to Year 5!


The lovely Larks have had a fantastic first week back at school and it has been great getting to know all of the children. They have returned from the summer holidays with enthusiasm and focus and we have started to explore some of our topics for this half term.


Please take a look at the half-term plan in the ‘Curriculum Planning’ section of the website to find out what topics we are covering subject by subject. We have a busy term of learning ahead, so I am sure the children will have lots to tell you.


The partnership between learning in school and at home is still extremely important as your child moves into Upper Key Stage 2. The children will now be developing some independence and may choose to read a book for pleasure which is brilliant. However, it is also still very important that they read to an adult a minimum of 4 times a week and these efforts will be recognised and rewarded in the Reading Championship competition. In addition to reading, the children will have weekly spellings to practise at home as well as access to Times Tables Rockstars to practise their multiplication facts.


This half term, the children have PE on Fridays and should come to school wearing their PE kits on these days.


I look forward to meeting you all over the coming weeks and should you have any queries, please come and see me at the end of the school day in the Year 5 classroom, or give the school a call to arrange a meeting.


Many thanks for your continued support.


Best wishes,

Miss Brown
