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St John's C of E Primary School

"Sharing joy and hope in the community."



Welcome to our Governors’ section


The Board of Governors role is to promote the schools' long term development by setting a strategic framework for school improvement and overseeing its implementation.  The Board sets the school values, aims and objectives, allocates and controls the school budget, monitors and evaluates school progress and acts as a 'critical friend' to the Headteacher by providing support and challenge.


The Governing Board holds seven Full Governing Board meetings per academic year and the following sub-committees and panels meet when necessary:


Headteacher Performance Management Committee - Chair of Committee, Brian King

Pay Committee - Chair of Committee, Joe Basquill


Board Members:


Oliver Priestley - Headteacher Ex-Officio


Brian King - Chair      Parent Governor


Jo Leigh - Vice Chair   Foundation Governor


Joe Basquill   Local Authority Governor


Rev Colin Simpson    Ex-Officio Governor


Sarah Brown    Staff Governor


Cathy Paull    Parent Governor


Ruth Knowlman    Foundation Governor


Luke Merchant   Foundation Governor 


Angela Morley    Clerk to the Governing Board


