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St John's C of E Primary School

"Sharing joy and hope in the community."


Year 5 - Pankhurst

Pankhurst Class 

2023 - 24

Welcome to Pankhurst Class.


This year the staffing in Pankhurst Class

Class Teacher Mon - Thurs: Miss Allen

Class Teacher Friday: Mr Collins

TA: Mrs Groves

Monday PE: Mr Parsons


Welcome to the summer term.  This half term, we will be continuing to learn all about the history of our local area in the Victorian times focusing on the industrial revolution, learning all about mountains in geography and in science we will look at mammals. 


PE will remain on MONDAY mornings so please come dressed in your PE kit on a Monday.  Wear suitable trainers, and school PE kit please (anyone with long hair remember to tie it up) smiley.


Homework this term is slightly different.  The children will bring home blue folders at the start of term.  These folders will contain information on all the spellings for the half term, the key tables facts they need to learn and 6 suggested topic tasks of which they need to select at least two to complete.  This should be brought back to school on the first Monday back after the May holiday.  If you need any resources to help, just ask us.  


We will be participating in our Reading Champions challenge this term so make sure all reads are logged in your reading records. Children can write in their own reading record and we encourage this, but may need an adult's help to record it properly.  We will send books home from school but please log the books you are reading from home too - it all counts.  We aim for 4 reads a week to reach our target for the Reading Champions challenge.


We are very much looking forward to starting our learning this year, and as always if you have any queries please check in with one of the class team.


The Pankhurst Staff Team

