Otter Homework
Homework is given out on a Friday and is due back to school the following Friday.
Each week there will be :-
1 piece of English or maths work that is based on the learning that has taken place during the precious week.
Spellings - A full list of spellings based upon National Curriculum expectations are given out at the beginning of each half term. Spelling tests take place every Friday.
Reading - As a whole school, we are aiming to raise the reading standards of our children. In KS2 children we would appreciate it if you listen to your child read at least 4 times a week and then sign their Reading Log.
Multiplication tables - During Lower Key Stage 2, children are learning their multiplication tables. Please help your child by regularly asking them questions relating to their tables. (Each child is a aware of the tables that they are learning) Multiplication tables Tests take place every Friday.