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St John's C of E Primary School

"Sharing joy and hope in the community."


Home Learning (Archive)

If you need to speak to me please email






Hi everyone – there has been lots of press coverage about this today but in case you have not seen it the Virtual School Library (Oak National Academy and the National Literacy Trust) is launched today.

Every week a popular children's author or illustrator will provide you with free books, exclusive videos and their top three recommended reads.


Oak National Academy link:


National Literacy Trust link:

The NLT library was launched in September and there are 22 authors in the back catalogue already.

Wednesday 20th January

Happy Wednesday Everyone!wink


We apologise if you have had challenges viewing the videos. We have uploaded our videos in a different way today. Hopefully this will now be rectified. Email us if you are still experiencing technical difficulties.


Today's Learning Schedule








Tens and Ones.  


‘Watch this video on how to build numbers 11-20 using tens and ones. Then complete your level on the sheet below.’ 

Writing - planning a story

Today we are going to start the writing process to make up our own story, based on the story of The Three Little Pigs.

Watch the video and then choose to answer question 1,  2 or 3. 

You may choose to change only one element of the story and that is fine. You can come up with your own ideas, or copy mine.

Writing task


(Due to a technical issue today,  Mrs Rolfe's phonics video would not upload. So the children will be happy to have a Geraldine the Giraffe video instead! )

Science - Reptiles

Carrying on with our topic about animals, we are looking at reptiles today. Watch the short video clip, and then look at the document. Identify which of the animals are reptiles. Can you name them? Can you think of anymore?

For an extra challenge, you can write a fact or two about reptiles.

Good Morning laugh

Tuesday 19th January


Today's Learning Schedule








Today you are going to look at representing numbers to 20. You will need to match the number with the correct quantity. Click on the link below and watch the Oak teaching video. You do not need to complete their task online, you can just use our sheet. Remember there are 3 different levels for you to choose from. 


This week's grammar work is adding the suffix 'er'. Look at the presentation to introduce the topic, then complete the task. Remember you only need to do one page. Look in the top left-hand corner. * = easiest, ** = medium, *** = hardest.

Writing - learn about adding 'er' suffix

Miss Howell Phonics

Tuesday Phase 5b - 'g'

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet Phase 5 - oy phoneme

Mrs Collins Phase 3 - oo phonemes

PE - Dance


Today's lesson is about shaking your hips and getting moving. Here are a couple of videos to watch. See if you can join in with the actions. You could even make up your own dances to your favourite music.  See if you can get anyone else in your family to join in with you.

Just Dance Kids 2 Despicable Me

Just Dance 2018 - Waka Waka (Football Version) | 5 Stars

Good Morning

Monday 18th January


Today's Learning Schedule







We are now moving on to our next maths topic. We are going to be looking at our numbers to 20. Today you need to practice counting forwards and backwards to 20. Here is a counting down video which is normally more tricky than counting up! You can have a boogie with it while learning your numbers. 

Math - Monday

Counting down from 20.

Writing Monday

Miss Howell Phonics

Monday Phase 5b - 'c'

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet Phase 5 - ea

Mrs Collins Phase 3 - oa phoneme


Seven Continents Song (Oceania Version)


Story Time!

The Truth According to Arthur

Friday 15th January


Well done children and parents for all your home schooling this week.

You are all stars!


Today's Learning Schedule






Today we are going to practice addition and subtraction to make sure we keep on top of our skills. Due to technical difficulties, I have not been able to film a lesson input. But I have found this video online which recaps the basics of addition and subtraction. 
Watch the video and complete the sheet. Remember there are 3 different levels so choose which one you want to complete. 

Maths - Friday

Addition and Subtraction Practice

Writing - Plurals.

As always, choose a level of diffculty. Look at the stars in the top left corner. 1 star = level one, 2 stars = level 2 and 3 stars = level 3.

Miss Howell Phonics

Friday Recap

Words to sort at home:
        'i'                                  'o'
spin       mint               top        cold
finish     climb             gold      don't
mild       child               go         not 

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet phonics - ie new phoneme

Mrs Collins Phase 3 - igh phonemes

RE - The Bible

Watch these two short clips about the bible and then answer the questions on the sheet.

Bedtime Stories | Ore Oduba | Don't Spill The Milk | Cbeebies

Happy Thursday Everyone!

Thursday 14th January


Today's Learning Schedule







Today we are looking at how addition and subtraction number sentences are related. These are called fact families. E.g
2 + 3 = 5       5 - 2 = 3
3 + 2 = 5       5 - 3 = 2 

Watch the video and then complete the sheet.
Can you spot the mistake Miss Howell makes right at the end with her number cards? Let us know if you find it! (Us teachers get things wrong sometimes too!)wink

Thursday Maths

Fact Families - Addition and Subtraction


Continuing to write up the story of The Three Little Pigs.

Watch the video below and then look at the document. Remember to choose a task that is suited to your child's ability.

1. is the easier task and 3. is the most challenging.

Miss Howell Phonics

Thursday - Alternative Pronunciation 'o'

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet Phase 5 - New phoneme ou

Mrs Collins - ee phoneme

History - Homes

Have a look at the photos on the task document. What is similar and what is different about them? Choose two of the pictures to draw and compare the two pictures.

List what is similar and what is different.

Have a walk around your local area at the different types of houses you see. What is similar and different about them?

History task

Story time!

Mrs Collins sharing a story in class.

Wednesday 13th January
Welcome Back!laugh

Today's learning


Story Time 


Today you are going to practice subtraction on a number line again. This time we are looking at worded problems.  Please watch the teaching video below. I recommend starting it 1minute 30sec into the video to skip the revision task. 
Then complete the sheet provided below. 

Writing Wednesday

Writing - Writing up the story - The Three Little Pigs
Watch the short video.
Choose a task. 1 is easier and 3 is harder than task 2

Writing Wednesday

Miss Howell Phonics

Wednesday - Alternative Pronunciation 'i'

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet Phase 5 New phoneme -ay

We have decided to restart Phase 5 phonics with our own videos.

Practise reading phase 5 sentence with ay phoneme

Mrs Collins Phonics

Phase 3 - ai

Science - Animals - birds and fish

Have a look at these short videos about birds and fish. Then look at the document with pictures of various types of birds and fish. Can you say which are birds and which are fish? How do you know?

Science birds and fish pictures

Storytime - The Fish Who Could Wish by John Bush

Tuesday 12th January
Good morning!  blush

Today's learning


Story Time 



Maths - Tuesday

Subtraction on a number line.


Writing  - capital letters for days of the week.

Have a go at number

1. spotting the errors 

2. listing the days of the week in order.

Extra challenge 

3. Write your sentences using the days of the week.

Writing - Days of the week - capital letter

Miss Howell Phonics

Phase 5 Recap

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet

New phoneme - ie

Practise reading sentences with ie words

Mrs Collins Phonics


PE - Join in with Joe!

Normally on Tuesday we would have PE at school, so lets join in with Joe at home! Please skip to 2mins to find Joe and start the session.

Story Time!

Don't Call me Sweet!

Monday 11th January
Welcome to a new week yes


Today your work is:

Story Time 

Join us on Zoom for a catch up @ 2.15 today. Details were sent through text. 

Monday - Subtraction Practice

Subtraction practice with larger numbers.

Follow this link to play an interactive game if you wish to extend your learning.

Writing - Monday The Three Little Pigs Speech

Watch this video and then look at the document below.

Writing task - The three little pigs speech

Miss Howell Phonics

Phonics Recap

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet phonics group

New digraph - ir as in bird

Sentences to practise with ir sound

Mrs Collins Phonics



Today we are going to recap the names of the 7 continents. Watch the continent song below - some may already know it! 


Your task is to use the video to collect facts about each continent. You can write or draw& label information. You might want to include animals that you see, the famous food, river etc. You can complete it on the sheet provided or on any spare paper you have at home. 


Seven Continents Song

A song to help kids learn the 7 continents in order from largest to smallest.Subscribe! ➜ th...


Mrs Rolfe reads Oh no George by Chris Haughton

Good Morning!

Friday 8th Jan wink


Today's learning schedule







In Year 1, we continuously have to practice the number bonds to 10. These are the 2 numbers that are friends and have a strong bond that always make 10. E.g 1 + 9, 2 + 8 etc. 
This is a refresher lesson to practice recalling the number bonds. 
Follow the link below to a number bond lesson. Then complete the sheet on this website. Remember you don't need to complete all 3 sections as they increase in difficulty. Stop when your child has been challenged enough. 

Writing - Plurals adding s

On Fridays we will be doing grammar work. Please watch the videos about adding s to make plurals. Then answer the questions on the first sheet of the worksheet. If you can, try and ask the questions on the next page too.

Plural Regular Song - "2 Hats, 2 Cats and 1 Dog" - Rockin' English

The plural -s

plurals worksheet - adding s

Miss Howell

Recap Phase 5

Sentences to Read

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet phonics group

New phoneme -ie

Have a go at reading these sentences

Mrs Collins Phonics


Sentences to Read


This terms PSHE theme is Healthy Hygiene! Read through the powerpoint and learn about the importance of handwashing. I have attached the link to a 'Hand washing Song'! 

Then your task is to create a poster about the importance of handwashing. Include pictures, facts and information. 


Story Time!

Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell


Thursday 7th January 
Happy Thursday smiley

Today's learning schedule

Maths - APOLOGIES. There is a mistake on todays math sheet. '3-6=' should say '6-3='


Phonics - choose the relevant group



Thursday - Using the - symbol

This is "Thursday - Using the - symbol" by St John's Primary School on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Writing - The Three Little Pigs

Miss Howell Phonics

Phase 5 Recap

Sentences to read

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet phonics groups

ou- phoneme

Sentences to read

Mrs Collins Phonics


Sentences to read

Topic - Homes

What type of house do you live in?

Homes - What type of house do you live in?

Storytime - Mrs Rolfe reads The Fish who could Wish by John Bush

Wednesday 6th January

Good Morning!

Today's learning schedule



Phonics - choose the relevant group



Wednesday - Subtraction Intro

Year 1 Subtraction

The Three Little Pigs

Watch the video. Draw your own story map and practise retelling the story yourself

The Three Little Pigs

Miss Howell Phonics

Phase 5 Recap

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet phonics groups

Phase 5 - ay phoneme

Mrs Collins Phonics


Phase 5 - ay sentences to read


Mammals and Amphbians.

Watch the videos to remind yourself what is a Mammal and an Amphbian. Do the quiz on the website too. Draw a picture of your favourite mammal and amphbian. You can label your animals or write a description of what features make them a mammal or amphbian.

Story Time!

Whatever Next! Jill Murphy


Tuesday 5th January


Happy New Year!


Please bare with us today as we implement home learning. In the meantime, there are plenty of activities below you can try.


Thank you 

A few days absence:

If your child is away from school for a few days and they are well enough to complete school work, please:
- Hear them read their school reading book or a book from home of their choice. Please record this in their yellow reading record. 
-Practice counting to 20 forwards and backwards. Make it fun with jumping, climbing the stairs, star jumps etc! Could challenge them to say one more or one less than a given number. 

 - Practice reading and writing some of our 'tricky' words. Please see document below for some examples. 

- You might also use the internet to research any topics that are studied in school. Please see the planning documents section of the class webpage.



A week or more absence:

If your child is away from school for a week or more, it is important that they access the curriculum that their classmates are benefitting from. With this in mind, it is advisable that they have compete a maths, writing task AND phonics daily. I have added additional subjects as well. 

Phonic games:
Here is a list of website that contain useful phonic games. Please choose the correct phase for your child - you will find this on your school reading book. In the top right corner you will see a circle sticker and this will tell you what phase your child is on.







Happy Thursday laugh

26th November 


Tomorrow is a school inset day so there will be no home learning. Well done for all your efforts over the last 2 weeks. We look forward to seeing you again on Monday!


Today's Learning





Practise The Christmas Calypso



Today you are going to practice your addition skills to make sure you are confident adding two numbers. 

Some questions use a 'bar model', this is exactly the same as a part, part whole so please don't get confused.


Watch the video. Then you can either complete the sentences on the worksheet or make up your own sentences as I did in the video.


Extra challenge - Do both activities.

Too hard? - Find items around the house and write the words adding 's' to make it a plural.

Writing Thurs



Miss Howell Phonics

Phonics - Phase 5 Tricky words
Have a go at writing some after!

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet Phase 4 phonics Thurs

Phase 4 sentences

Mrs Collins Thursday

Tricky words no, go, into


This week we are looking at reptiles. Watch the video about reptiles. Then draw a picture of two different reptiles and label them. Can you list some reasons why these animals are reptiles?

This Christmas calypso (performance track).mp3

Hairy Maclary's Bone by Lynley Dodd story time with Laura's Story Corner


Happy Wednesday!yes

25th November 

Today's Learning





Practise Christmas Calypso




Today we are comparing number bonds. Work out the answers to the addition questions on each side and then find out which number is the biggest. Fill in he correct 'Charlie Croc' symbol. 


The symbols you can use are:

>  =  <


Too difficult? Just practice simple addition questions.

E.g 2 + 2 =       4 + 2 =        1 + 3 =      2 + 1 =     3 + 2 =    etc. 

Maths Wednesday

Comparing number bonds

Writing - suffix 'ing'

1. Watch the video

2. Either use some of the photos on the photos document to write a couple of sentences, add 'ing' on to the ends of words to describe what the children are doing (or use your own ideas). Or you can complete the sentences on the worksheet document.


Extra challenge - Have a go at doing both of the activities.


Too Hard? - try and write the verb of what they are doing. eg. drawing or jumping.

Writing Wednesday



Miss Howell Wednesday

Reading real and alien words

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet Phase 4 phonics Wed

Sentences to read

Mrs Collins Wednesday

Tricky words I, the, to



Watch this video of Antarctica. Then make a picture of life in Antarctica. You can draw, paint, collage etc. You could even make a model showing what life is in Antarctica.  You can use whatever materials you may have at home. 


Singing - This Christmas Calypso

Story On the Seashore by Erica Jane Waters read by Mrs Rolfe








Good Morning laugh

Tuesday 24th November


Today's Learning









Join in with the number bond song. See if you can remember the 2 number bonds that make 10. Eventually you will learn number bonds to 10 off by heart. For the activity, you can use your part, part whole mat to support. 

I Know My Number Bonds 10

Number bonds for 10 song. Number bonds are simply the pairs of numbers that make up a given number. Number bonds can also be called number partners or number...


1. Watch the video

2. Open up the document. Use the word 'and' to link two phrases to make one full sentence. Parents you will need to support this activity.

See how many sentences you can make.


Extra challenge - Make your own sentences up using the word 'and'.


Too hard? Parents read the sentence starters and the child to finish off the sentence with their own ideas. Copy out one of the sentences you have come up with.

Writing Tues



Miss Howell Tuesday


Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet Phonics Tues

Phase 4 sentences to read

Mrs Collins Tuesday

'Z' and 'zz'

PE - Join in with Joe!

This is another great 8 minute workout, suitable for all ages. 8 exercises | 35 seconds work | 25 seconds rest Run on the spot Running punches Front kicks Cr...

Elmer's Special Day by David McKee read by Mrs Rolfe






Happy Monday smiley

23rd November

Today's Learning







Today we are going over number bonds, especially numbers to 10. Use your part, part whole mat to split up 10 objects and find the different numbers that make 10. Remember number bonds are 2 numbers/parts who are friends that make another number. They have a really good BOND and always stick together to make 10. 

E.g 2 + 8     or     8 + 2

Watch the video and complete the sheet. Reminder you do not need to complete the whole sheet as the levels increase with difficulty. 


Monday Maths

Finding number bonds to 10


Watch today's video. Look at the document and write a sentence using the word' and' to connect two choices. Don't forget to use adjectives.


Extra challenge - Write a sentence using two adjectives for each item. Write what your brother or sister may want too.


Too hard? Write labels for some of the items, trying to write all of the sounds you can hear in the words.

Writing Monday

Toys pictures


Miss Howell Phonics

New sound 'ey'

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet Geraldine the Giraffe learns blends

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs FleetPhase 4 Tricky Words Song Sight Words Song for said, have, like, come, some, what, when

Mrs Collins phonics



Time to get creative! Can you make a face using weird and wonderful objects? You could use food, household items, twigs/leaves or clothes.... the weirder the better. See if you can include as much detail as possible. Ears, eyebrows, hair etc. 

Send in your most creative faces! See pictures below for inspiration. 

Story time! Christopher Nibble

Read by Miss Howell

Christmas Song! 

Please learn the attached Christmas song over the week. Each class has to learn a different song and video clips will be put together to form a 'Christmas Service'. I have added the lyrics too.  I know this is tricky but try your best at home.. I will also be trying to learn it!

This Christmas Calypso





Friday 20th November cheeky

G'Day Mate, it is Australian Day! 

Sadly we can't be dressed up together today, but we will rearrange another day in the next few weeks. Welcome to still dress up and send your costumes in!


Today's home learning




Storytime X2!

Read a book




Sadly due to technical difficulties Miss Howell hasn't been able to record a maths video for today. Please click on the link below and watch the video called 'Find Number Bonds for Numbers within 10'.


Then complete the sheet attached. Remember, you don't have to complete all levels if it is too difficult. 







1. Watch the two videos.

2. Write a postcard to someone you know, imagining you are in Australia (it can be on any paper). Finish off these sentences to give more information to your postcode.  Remember to add some adjectives.


The weather is...

I have .....

I am looking forward to...

Australia | Destination World

Writing - Friday



Please ask your child which phonic group they are in and watch the provided video. 
The choices are:
Miss Howell 

Mrs Rolfe/ Mrs Fleet 

Mrs Collins 

Miss Howell Phonics

New sound 'oe'

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet Phase 4 phonics

Sentences to read

Mrs Collins Phonics

New sound 'X'


Topic - Australia

Buddy is off on his travels around the world again.  Take a look at the document below and then draw 2 or 3 pictures of something Buddy found out about Australia. You could have a go at writing labels or sentences to go with your pictures.

Buddy visits Australia


Story time! The Night Pirates

Read by Miss Howell

Story time -Alan's Big, Scary Teeth by Jarvis

Read by Mrs Rolfe


Thursday 19th November cool

Good morning everyone.

Who is wearing odd socks today? 


Today's home learning






Read a book


Maths - Thursday

Fact families using part part whole. Complete the worksheet underneath

Writing -Thursday

This is "Writing -Thursday" by St John's Primary School on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Please ask your child which phonic group they are in and watch the provided video. 
The choices are:
Miss Howell 

Mrs Rolfe/ Mrs Fleet 

Mrs Collins 

Miss Howell Phonics

Thursday - EW

Phonics Thursday

This is "Phonics Thursday" by St John's Primary School on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Sentences to read phase 3/4

Mrs Collins Phonics

Thursday -W


This week it is 'Anti bullying week'. Please see the powerpoint below which teaches children what bullying is, how to spot it and what to do about it. Then, there are some discussion cards to share with your child. Your child could write down their responses. 


Today at school, we would have been wearing odd socks! This is to show how we are all different and unique which is a good thing. Sometimes people get bullied for being different, so we hope that Odd Socks Day helps people understand it's good to be yourself and to except other peoples differences too.  If you have your odd socks on today, send them in... the weirder the better! 

Andy and the Odd Socks - The Kids are United (Official Video) ft. Princess K, Libera

Andy and the Odd Socks - The Kids are United (Official Video) ft. Princess K, Libera Our official song for Odd Socks Day and Anti-Bullying Week 2020

Storytime - Slinky Malinki, Open the Door

by Lynley Dodd, read by Mrs Rolfe


Happy Wednesday!yes
Wednesday 18th November


Today's learning 







Don't forget to read!


Please watch the teaching video below and then complete the sheet underneath it. There are 3 levels, remember you don't have to complete them all as they increase with difficulty.

Maths - Wednesday

Addition using part, part whole


Please ask your child which phonic group they are in and watch the provided video. 
The choices are:
Miss Howell 

Mrs Rolfe/ Mrs Fleet 

Mrs Collins 

Writing  - Where do tigers live?



1. Watch the video on tigers from yesterday, or you can look in any books you may have, or do some research on the internet with the help of an adult.

2. Watch the video below!

3. Write the title  - Where tigers live

4. Write a sentence or two about where tigers live. Remember to use adjectives where you can.

Extra challenge - Write about two or three different habitats where tigers live. Don't forget to use two adjectives.

Too Challenging? - Write the first sounds you can hear in each word of your sentence. 


(Remember to think about what sounds you can hear.  Please use a sound mat and word mat and try yourself to spell the words correctly. Sound and words mats can be found at the top of this page.)

Parents - we want the children to have a go at spelling the words themselves. It is more important that they try than it is to spell everything correctly. Thank you.

Writing - Wednesday

Miss Howell Phonics

Wednesday - PH

Mrs Rolfe's/Mrs Fleet's - Phonics group Wednesday

Now have a go at reading these sentences.

Mrs Collins Phonics

Wednesday - V

STORY TIME - Paddington at the Palace

Read by Miss Howell

Science- Animals (birds)


We have been learning about animals. Last week we learnt about the difference between mammals and amphibians.

1. This week I would like you to watch the video below about birds. Then draw a picture of two different types of bird, one that flys and one that doesn't.

2. Write a label for your drawings.


Extra challenge - Write a sentence about birds.


Good Morning smiley 

Tuesday 17th November


Writing - Facts about Tigers


This week we are starting to write facts about tigers. Watch this short video  below, all about tigers.  Today I would like you to write a description of what tigers look like. I would like you to think about using adjectives to give more description to your writing.


1. Write a title for your work today

 What tigers look like

2. Draw a picture of a tiger.

3. I would like you to write at least one sentence, using one adjective (a describing word).

For example 

Some tigers have orange fur and black stripes.

Don't forget to use a capital letter at the beginning of your sentence, finger spaces and a full stop at the end. Read it all through when you have finished your sentence to make sure it makes sense.


Too easy? Can you write more?

Have a go at writing two or three sentences independently. I would like you to use two adjectives in your sentences.  


Too difficult?

 Can you please write a few words to describe what the tiger looks like instead of writing a sentence.  

TIGERS - educational video for Kids - Tiger Facts for Kids

♡ Give the Gift of Reading ♡ Tigers are amazing animals! Tigers have orange fur with black stripes, and a white belly. The black stri...


Math - Addition  


Please find the sheet attached below. To help your child you can draw out a part, part whole model on paper. (You will see examples on the sheet, it is the 3 circles!) Your child could use any resources around the house to add the two parts together. E.g coins, sweets, bits of cut up paper etc. 

You'll find 3 different levels, each increasing with difficulty. You do not need to complete all but you might find your child finds some levels easy!




Please ask your child which phonic group they are in and watch the provided video. 
The choices are:
Miss Howell 

Mrs Rolfe/ Mrs Fleet 

Mrs Collins 

Miss Howell Phonics - New sound 'wh'

Watch UK school teacher Mr Thorne and Youtube sensation Geraldine the Giraffe take you on a learning journey through the world of phonics, grammar, spelling ...

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet - Phase 3/4 phonics

Our Year 1 Letters and Sounds Phonics lessons are suitable for children who can blend and read words such as 'stamp', 'chair' and 'green'.

Mrs Collins Phonics - Recap 'j'

Watch UK school teacher Mr Thorne and Youtube sensation Geraldine the Giraffe take you on a learning journey through the world of phonics, grammar, spelling ...

Art - Aboriginal Paintings

Don't have paint? Use pencil crayon or felt tips to create the dots!


A few days absence:

If your child is away from school for a few days and they are well enough to complete school work, please:
- Hear them read their school reading book or a book from home of their choice. Please record this in their yellow reading record. 
-Practice counting to 20 forwards and backwards. Make it fun with jumping, climbing the stairs, star jumps etc! Could challenge them to say one more or one less than a given number. 

 - Practice reading and writing some of our 'tricky' words. Please see document below for some examples. 

- You might also use the internet to research any topics that are studied in school. Please see the planning documents section of the class webpage.



A week or more absence:

If your child is away from school for a week or more, it is important that they access the curriculum that their classmates are benefitting from. With this in mind, it is advisable that they have compete a maths, writing task AND phonics daily. I have added additional subjects as well. 


These tasks are designed for Autumn 2 curriculum. 

Phonic games:
Here is a list of website that contain useful phonic games. Please choose the correct phase for your child - you will find this on your school reading book. In the top right corner you will see a circle sticker and this will tell you what phase your child is on.



