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St John's C of E Primary School

"Sharing joy and hope in the community."


Kingfisher Class- Year 4

World Book Day 2020

Welcome to Kingfisher Class


I hope you all enjoyed your half-term break. The weather was lovely for a change! We are continuing to learn about Rainforests this half-term, I hope that you have enjoyed the topic so far. I will try to keep the work in a similar format to what you have experienced previously. So there should be maths, writing and spellings daily with some grammar and handwriting to do weekly. I will continue to vary the other tasks and include art, RE, PHSE, French, Topic and science so that there is a good mix of activities to do each week. 


Work will be added daily into the homework folder below. There may look like there is a lot of work in each folder, but some of the tasks are available at differing levels of challenge. For those of you that I have managed to speak to, you will know which challenge level to attempt. If you are unsure, please email me, or have a look at the different challenges and choose the one that is the most appropriate. 


Again, I would love to see some photos of the work that you are doing, but please don't feel that you have to send me everything. I will also continue to add chapters from our class story to the 'Story Time' folder, so keep checking in. Finally, I will also be phoning each of you towards the end of each week, just to check that you are all ok.


The email address is:


Please keep yourselves and others safe.

Mrs Gage smiley











