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St John's C of E Primary School

"Sharing joy and hope in the community."


Work for Friday 5th February 2021



Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, we will be tuning into Joe Wicks' workout sessions at 9am. They are short 20 minute workouts that are a great way to start the learning day and wake your bodies and brains up. Don't worry if you miss a session at 9am, you can always join in online at anytime, as the sessions can all be found on his YouTube channel. These will be in addition to our Tuesday morning PE lessons.



For each maths lesson, there will be a video to watch first with an online activity to complete. Today, I have provided a link to the White Rose Hub site, please watch and respond to the 'Count Money in Pounds' video before completing the worksheet. There will also be additional activities below the video link to work through as well. The activities are labelled as, 'Bronze, Silver and Gold' as they get more challenging at each level. Your child only needs to complete one activity level, although they might like to try a more challenging level as well. Please focus on the quality of your child's work, and ensure that they have set their work out neatly and fully answered each question. You can print the sheets out, if you like, but this is not necessary, as your child can work from the screen onto paper.



We are starting a new English topic, which is based on the story, 'The Giants of Frog Hill', which is a fairy tale. Each day there will be activities linked to the story.

Spelling Test


On Friday we would normally have our weekly spelling test based on the spelling homework that was set the week before. As we cannot have our usual spelling test, I have set the children 'look, cover, spell, check' sheets for them to complete as their spelling test. I have also added the spelling homework for next Friday that can be completed throughout the week.



Each day, I will be adding some reading resources to the class webpage, choose the level of text that is appropriate for your child from the Gold, Silver and Bronze options. The text shouldn't take very long to read, but your child might need to read and then reread the text before answering the related questions. The answer sheets are for an adult to check the answers if your child is working independently. Please keep encouraging your child to read as often and as widely as possible in addition to the tasks set online.



Computing is a really tricky subject to learn at home, so I have selected a program that the children should be able to work on independently and, more importantly, they will also enjoy! Please use the link below to access a program called Rapid Router, which will help the children to learn the basics of computer programming. The children need to start at the 'Getting Started' tab and then work their way through the different levels. We will be doing computing each Friday, so they can continue from where they left off each week.

Golden Time


I think we all deserve some Golden Time this week! At 2pm today there will be a 'Golden Time' Zoom meeting, where we can all see each other and have some fun. Parents, you should have received your Zoom log-in details earlier this week. See you all soon!

Bonus Art Activity


To celebrate the life and achievements of a truly inspiring man, Sir Captain Tom Moore, we would like you to draw or colour in a picture of Sir Captain Tom Moore and display it in your window. All of the classes in St. John's are participating in this, as well as the children who are in school. We feel that this is a fitting tribute to a man who united our nation and gave us all hope when we needed it most. I have included some pictures for you to colour, although you may wish to draw or find one of your own. 
