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St John's C of E Primary School

"Sharing joy and hope in the community."


Monday 08/02/2021

Good Morning everyone! 


Today's Learning Schedule





Story time


A note about Wednesday

On Wednesday we are going to be having a screen-free day. For the whole day, we are asking you to not log on to the website or use your tablets. Below is a suggested outline of activities for you to do at home.  The activities are a combination of indoor and outdoor activities, which we are sure the children will enjoy!



Add by counting on – applying skills  

Maths - Monday



Last week, you wrote a letter from the wolf to the little pigs. This week we are going to write to people who are special to us. 


Today we would like you to write a letter to someone special to you that you know. It might be that you haven't seen them for a while and are missing seeing.


Remember to chose 1,2, or 3.



Miss Howell Phonics

Monday 'y' in fly

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet Phonics - Recap split digraph i_e

i-e split digraph - Mr Thorne Does Phonics

Geraldine the Giraffe learns /i-e/

Mrs Collins phonics - review



Designing a house


Today we would like you to design a house that you are going to start making after half term.  The house is going to be made with recycled boxes and cartons, so keep an eye out over the next 2 weeks for any interesting boxes/ tubes etc that can be used.


Things to consider when designing your house.

Who is your house for?

What will it look like?

What materials will you use?

How many rooms will it have?

How will you decorate it?

What tools will you need to cut?

How will you join it?


List the resources and tools you will need to build the house. There is no need to go and buy anything to build your house. If you are stuck for resources, send us an email.

Story Time

The Good Little Wolf
