January 2021
Our home learning is being shared on Tapestry. Each day at 7:00am, a selection of videos and activities will be shared in 'Activities' for you to complete at home.
If you cannot login, or have any difficulties please email me or ring the office and I will return your call.
Happy New Year and see you all tomorrow (virtually!)
If your child is well enough, there are plenty of fun activities that they can do from home. Our main focus this term is building our fine motor skills to get ready to write. Fine motor skill activities are the best way of doing this! There are so many fun ideas online such as pegs, threading, using a hammer and golf tees, stickers and tweezer games. Below are just four simple ideas to get you started...
Next you could explore our Numberblocks! We are focussing on 1-5 during the Autumn and then continuing to 10 and ultimately to 20. Watching and episode is a great way to start. Then, why don't you practise counting objects around the house, finding one more and one less. Then compare amounts, who has more? Who has fewer? Have you got the same? How do you know?
Once pencil control is established, support your child to write their name. Using a name card is the best way to do this. We advise you don't draw dots as this can hinder their own letter formation. Mark making is the first step of name writing don't forget...and this is perfectly acceptable!
If your child is having to stay at home for a long period of time, please email us at stjohns.bramble@gmail.com and we will happily send our weekly planning home to you with adaptations to enable your child to access their learning.