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St John's C of E Primary School

"Sharing joy and hope in the community."


Tuesday 09/02/2021

Happy Tuesday


Today's Learning Schedule




Safer Internet Day

Story time


A note about tomorrow

Please remember that on Wednesday we are going to be having a screen-free day. For the whole day, we are asking you to not log on to the website or use your tablets. Below is a suggested outline of activities for you to do at home.  The activities are a combination of indoor and outdoor activities, which we are sure the children will enjoy!



Subtraction on a number line using nos to 20 


* Apologises for the technical error with the video being on it's side.

Tuesday Maths

Subtraction to 20 on a number line.





Watch the short video.


Next, flick through the slides about asking questions.


Then either choose the * star activity  (easier), or the *** star (harder).  

As an extra challenge, write some sentences you could ask your family or friends. Don't forget to add a question mark.

Miss Howell's Phase 5 Phonics alternative u (unicorn)

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet Phonics

o-e split digraph - Mr Thorne Does Phonics

Mrs Rolfe/Mrs Fleet phonics group

Geraldine the Giraffe learns /o-e/

Mrs Collins Phase 3 Phonics Set 6 | j, v, w, x


Safer Internet Day


It is very important that children understand that they need to be safe online as much as they need to be safe near roads.

Take a look at the video.

Talk to an adult about how to be safer online at your home.

Create a poster on how to be safer on the internet. Include some pictures and helpful top tips! Send them in to us, we would love to see them.
